
Are you a Retirement queen?

Are you as successful at building wealth as you are in your building your career?

Take our quiz below!

 You might already have an advisor, or maybe you are doing it alone. But that can only get you halfway to the finish line of working towards financial independence with a work-optional lifestyle and optimizing your hard earned savings. 

You’ve been so busy working your career, you haven’t had time to focus on you. Who will take care of you?  

You’re so busy running a company, you’ve done a good job saving, but optimizing it, and managing it to last the rest of your life makes you uneasy. 


Rate yourself 1-10 on each retirement area (1 being no confidence, 10 being very confident)

  1. Lifestyle: How confident are you that you will be able to pursue your goals and dreams in retirement without running out of money?

  2. Money: How confident are you that you will never outlive your money and be a burden on your loved ones?

  3. Money: How confident are you that your money is being tax efficient as possible and you aren’t paying any excess taxes?

  4. Health: How confident are you that if your health was to decline, you would be able to afford extra help?

  5. Estate Planning: How confident are you that your money will pass properly to your loved ones? How confident are you that you know how you want your assets to be left?

  6. Estate: How confident are you that if your health declines, your financial matters will be taken care of the way you want them to and for you benefit?

Now tally up your points. Which group do you fall in?

Score Under 30 points

You are in the foundation building zone. You have some things going for you, but you aren't sure who can help you or where to turn. You know you are meant for more, but will you feel greedy for wanting more? It's time to embrace the FACT that YOU are meant for more, you have value to give this world. Let's get your foundation stable and secure so you can pursue building unlimited growth on top! Ready to build your foundation for your future success?

Score 30-59 points

You are in the growth phase. You are accumulating money, saving money, but there isn't a plan beyond saving. Saving money is already a habit for you, but getting clear on your purpose is key. What is the money for? Are you saving enough? Are you spending enough? Making sure you are giving every dollar in your life a purpose so you can reach financial freedom is your next step! Ready to uncover your path to freedom and money management with fun, passion and excitement?

Score 60 and over

You are saving money, you are embracing your purpose in life, and now it's all about running at all optimal levels! We aim to optimize every dollar in your world, striving so that you no longer have to work for the paycheck but because you want to. You are ready to embrace the wealthy woman inside of you, take charge, and make an impact on this world. Your next step is Greatness, and that's the game I strive to help women play! Ready to explore your path to Greatness?


Now that you have a better picture of where you are, are you ready to take action?